There are a few exciting and interesting conferences comming up!
For those wondering if it is really worth spending time and money on a conference, here are a few testimonials.
For those wondering if it is really worth spending time and money on a conference, here are a few testimonials.
On November 1 and 2, 2024, you can go to the CI conference of Dynamic Language Learning in Eindhoven , the Netherlands. It will be a two-day conference (until now it was only 1 day) with a language lab in the morning and presentations in the afternoon. This year you can “taste” the following languages: Breton (Daniel Kline Logsdon-Dubois), French (Hélène Colinet) and Dutch as a 2nd language (Janique Vanderstocken). The afternoon presentations promise to be very interesting! I am looking forward to seeing Albert Subirats (Spain), Tina Abour (Germany), Jill Wiley (Norway), Marianne De Best (Netherlands) and Tabea McDonald (Germany) again. From the United States, we can expect Elizabeth Skelton, Teri Wiechart and Leslie Davidson. Elizabeth Skelton, by the way, will give the keynote address.
The presentations at this conference will be in English. More information about the conference and the presenters can be found on the website:
In May 2025 you can go to the Funn Conference in Frankfurt again. Funn stands for “Fremdsprachen Unterichten – natürlich und nachhaltig”. Funn is a group of German teachers who all teach language using the CI approach. They give an annual conference on CI. It will take place in Frankfurt am Main from Thursday, Mai 29, 2025 to Saturday, Mai 31, 2025.
In the morning you can attend a Language Lab (Sprachlabor) where it is possible to experience from the student's perspective what it means to acquire a language with CI methodologies. The more unfamiliar and different the language of the Language Lab, the clearer and more evident the experience becomes. The Language Labs offered are: Breton - Spanish - Dutch (this may still change). They will be followed by presentations and workshops and the day ends with coaching. The presentations and workshops will be in German (and some in English). More information can be found on the website:
Below are a few atmospheric images of the Funn Conference 2024.
From Tuesday 15/07/2025 to Friday 18/07/2025 you can visit Huesca (Spain) for the CI conference of #soydeidiomas. This conference will take place from 9am to 2pm with an extra session (coaching) on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from 4pm to 5pm. The conference will be divided into 3 different blocks: the language lab, a block of lectures and presentations of a more theoretical nature, and a block of practical demonstrations of the different types of activities that can be implemented in the classroom. Finally, there will be opportunities for dialogue, reflection and exchange of ideas on the CI approach.
The working language of this conference is Spanish, which provides an immediate opportunity to practice your Spanish!
Learn more about this conference:
From Monday 21/07/2025 to Saturday afternoon 21/07/2025, Agen (southern France) is “the place to be” if you want to learn more about comprehensible input. The Agen Workshop is by far the best known in Europe and also the largest. The language of instruction is English. In the morning you can choose from several language labs: (in 2024) Breton, French for beginners, French for advanced, English, Mandarin, Spanish, Russian, German and Dutch without using translations.
In the afternoon, presentations are given and there is also the opportunity for coaching and asking questions. Presentations/coaching are sometimes also given in the evening. The lunch breaks are deliberately long to give you a chance to network. More information about this conference:
Here are a few atmospheric images from The Agen Workshop 2024:
If you need to know more information about any of these conferences, feel free to contact [email protected]
If you need to know more information about any of these conferences, feel free to contact [email protected]